2013 First Holy Communion Portraits

April 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Two years ago this week, I fell in love with photographing First Holy Communion portraits.  I knew then that this was something I wanted to capture year after year.  I was so excited that I was able to make that happen this year because this year was extra special to me.  You see, I just recently celebrated my own First Holy Communion!  I can relate to being nervous and excited about this big day! Since September I've been going through RCIA instruction in order to become part of the Catholic church.  (You can read more about RCIA here or feel free to e-mail me if you are interested in learning more about my personal experience.)  I was officially welcomed into the Catholic church at the beginning of April!  This experience and receiving the sacraments of baptism, communion and confirmation have been like no other.  I was also blessed to be baptized with both of my children!  While most RCIA candidates are baptized at the Easter vigil, I chose to wait another week so that I could make it even more meaningful and include my children as well as the people who have encouraged me throughout this journey and brought me further into this faith than I could have come on my own. 

(If I was excited about these sessions this year, watch out next year!  My daughter's First Holy Communion will be happening in 2014!  I am already beyond excited and so is she!)

My hope for all of the beautiful boys and girls who are about to make their very First Holy Communion in the next coming days and weeks -   May you always feel God beside you and know that you are blessed. 




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